Currently there are already 10 free legal advice centers of Střídavka in these cities:
You can visit them all to consult a divorce or separation, child’s care issue as well as the alimony. The advocates fundamentally promote the vital role of both parents in a child’s life. Some of them are able to communicate with their clients in foreign languages (see the flags by their names, click to translate).
The consultation within 30 minutes is free of charge. Any other advice can be arranged as a paid service. Requirements for extensive legal assistance may be addressed to our e-mail: POMOC@STRIDAVKA.CZ
It is necessary to book in advance for the personal consultation by booking the term in relevant schedule (up to 1 month in advance). Full terms are visible in the weekly calendar as a red box. In the monthly calendar there can be some free terms even in days marked as red.
Use the arrows to scroll through the calendar. Click to free (white) box at a specified time to open a form where you fill in your name, e-mail and phone. You should also add information what your problem is about. None of this information will be displayed on the site.
You can return to these schedules at any time – here is the direct link from the site INFORMATION („PRÁVNÍ PORADNY“).
1. Legal advice center in Brno – střed
Address: JUDr. Iva Kuckirová, Starobrněnská 690/20, Brno (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Monday 14:00 – 16:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-BRNO-STRED@STRIDAVKA.CZ
2. Legal advice center in České Budějovice
Address: JUDr. David Řezníček, LL.M., U Černé věže 66/3, České Budějovice (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Monday 8:00 – 10:00, Thursday 14:00 – 16:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-CESKE-BUDEJOVICE@STRIDAVKA.CZ
3. Legal advice center in Praha – Nové Město
Address: Mgr. Karolina Kovácsová, 5th floor, Václavská 20, Praha 2 (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Monday 15:00 – 17:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-NOVE-MESTO@STRIDAVKA.CZ
4. Legal advice center in Praha – Nové Město 2
Address: Mgr. Renata Flašková, Sokolská 1605/66, Praha 2 (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Tuesday 15:00 – 17:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-NOVE-MESTO-2@STRIDAVKA.CZ
5. Legal advice center in Praha – Smíchov
Address: Mgr. Michaela Sigmundová, Ph.D., 1th floor, Radlická 3, Praha 5 (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Tuesday 15:30 – 17:30
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-SMICHOV@STRIDAVKA.CZ
6. Legal advice center in Praha – Smíchov 2
Address: Mgr. Michal Čerňanský, 1th floor, Radlická 3, Praha 5 (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Monday 8:00 – 10:00, Tuesday 8:00 – 10:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-SMICHOV-2@STRIDAVKA.CZ
7. Legal advice center in Praha – Vinohrady
Address: Mgr. Štěpán Ciprýn, Rumunská 12, Praha 2 (MAP)
Terms: usually every working day 9:00 – 18:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-VINOHRADY@STRIDAVKA.CZ
8. Legal advice center in Praha – Vršovice
Address: JUDr. Oldřiška Luňáčková, Narex building, Moskevská 63, Praha 10 (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Wednesday 15:00 – 17:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-VRSOVICE@STRIDAVKA.CZ
9. Legal advice center in Ústí nad Labem
Address: Mgr. Marta Hrubešová, Dobětická 2333/10, Ústí nad Labem (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Monday 13:00 – 15:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-USTI@STRIDAVKA.CZ
10. Legal advice center in Varnsdorf
Address: Mgr. Marta Hrubešová, Na Příkopech 1228, Varnsdorf (MAP)
Terms: usually every working Thursday 13:00 – 15:00
Cancellation: to cancel the date contact us on PORADNA-VARNSDORF@STRIDAVKA.CZ
If you have already booked some of the terms and need to cancel it, please write as soon as possible to the relevant e-mail. This will allow the term to be used by another bidder.
In rare cases the advocate may change the date you booked because of some obstacle. In this case, you will be contacted immediately to your provided number and the advocate will offer you an alternative term.